History Unfolds: A Restaurant Design by Yu-Ting Chang

A Grand New Look Representing a Delicious History

For almost 35 years, a local restaurant selling squid potage soup has been a beloved fixture in the lives of its customers. Now, it has returned with a grand new look that represents its history of delicious local food and unforgettable memories.

Walking down the street, this restaurant stands out from the rest of the shops with its new facade. Wooden bars interweave, contrasting with the steady stones, creating a visually striking exterior. Symbolically, these two main materials represent the long history of the restaurant's food, service, and memories. The stone, with its heaviness, stands for the importance of the establishment, while the wood represents flexibility and hospitality, intertwining to form a great narrative that holds up the restaurant.

Upon entering, customers are greeted by a counter with a clear menu on top. To the right, wooden panels display information about the restaurant's history, allowing visitors to learn more about its roots. Sliding glass doors provide a sense of privacy while allowing natural light to shine through. Metal bars serve as decorative elements and staircase railings, adding a touch of firmness to the space.

The interior design of the dining area beautifully echoes the facade, creating a cohesive and inviting atmosphere. The lighting delicately brightens up the space, setting a tone that is both comfortable and simple, modern yet artisanal. Wooden chairs and desks take center stage, while bamboo ceiling lamps correspond to the wooden texture and the bamboo plantation outside the restaurant. Indirect lighting design, strategically placed behind the wood panels and the symbolic sign on the blackboard, enhances the artistic beauty and atmosphere while providing ample lighting to the space.

One of the design challenges was to create a sense of transparency and permeability in the space. The wooden bars on the backrest of the long chairs achieve this, making customers feel less crowded while also serving as partitions. When illuminated, these bars create intriguing shadows, adding to the overall aesthetic of the space.

The restaurant, located in Nantou County, Taiwan, was completed in March 2021. The design team, led by Yu-Ting Chang, carefully considered every detail to create a space that pays homage to the restaurant's history while providing a comfortable and inviting environment for its customers.

This exceptional restaurant design by Yu-Ting Chang was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Image Credits: Yu-Ting Chang, 2021

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yu-Ting Chang
Image Credits: Image #1-#5, Photo credit: Yu-Ting Chang, 2021.
Project Team Members: Designer: Yu-Ting Chang
Project Name: History Unfolds
Project Client: Yu-Ting Chang

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